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Series One: The Boulton & Watt Archive and the Matthew Boulton Papers from the Birmingham Central Library

Part 1: Lunar Society Correspondence


1728: Birth of Mathew Boulton in Birmingham.
1736: Birth of James Watt in Greenock.
1745: Matthew Boulton enters his father's business.
1746: Sulphuric acid factory founded in Steelhouse Lane in Birmingham by John Roebuck and Samuel Garbett.
1749: Second sulphuric acid works set up at Prestonpans,
1755: James Watt spends a year in London making mathematical instruments. Erasmus Darwin completes his medical degree at Cambridge.
1756: Erasmus Darwin arrives in Lichfield.
1757: James Watt opens a shop in the College of Glasgow. Benjamin Franklin first visits England. John Wilkinson, the famous ironmaster, first introduces coke smelting.
1758: Dr William Small appointed Professor of Natural Philosophy at College of William and Mary in Virginia. Benjamin Franklin visits Birmingham and begins friendship with John Baskerville and Matthew Boulton.
1759: Death of Matthew Boulton's father. James Watt enters into partnership with John Craig and opens shop in the Saltmarket in Glasgow.
1760: John Roebuck founds the famous Carron Iron Works.
1762: Matthew Boulton builds Soho Manufactory and enters into partnership with John Fothergill. Josiah Wedgwood in partnership with Thomas Bentley starts the Etruria factory.
1763: Watt repairs model of the Newcomen engine.
1764: Lunar Society founded by Matthew Boulton, Erasmus Darwin and William Small.
1765: Watt invents the separate condenser steam-engine.
1766: Matthew Boulton first completes Soho House.
1767: Watt involved with canal business and land surveying. Dr John Roebuck first takes an interest in Watt's invention. Extensions made to Soho Manufactory. Priestley publishes The history and present state of electricity.
1768: James Watt and Matthew Boulton first meet.
1769: Watt obtains patent for separate condenser engine and erects one at Kinneil.
1771: John Smeaton forms the Society of Civil Engineers in London.
1772: Priestley publishes Observations on different kinds of air and Directions for impregnating water with fixed air.
1773: Roebuck in financial crisis. Matthew Boulton is prime mover in the establishment of the Assay Office in Birmingham.
1774: Matthew Boulton takes over Roebuck's share in the steam engine patent. Watt moves to Birmingham and continues successful experimental work on the steam engine. Priestley discovers pure oxygen. John Wilkinson obtains patents for boring cannon. This process could be accurately adapted for boring cylinders.
1775: Steam Engine patent extended for 25 years. Partnership between Boulton & Watt concluded for a 25 year term. Death of William Small. John Whitehurst appointed as official 'Stamper of the Money Weights' in London. Declaration of American Independence.
1776: Pioneer engines constructed at Bloomfield Colliery and New Willey Ironworks.
1777: Watt in Cornwall to erect first engine there. William Murdock enters the service of Boulton & Watt.
1778: Murdock sent to Cornwall. Matthew Boulton's first visit to Cornwall.
1779: Matthew Boulton again in Cornwall. He also enters into partnership with James Keir in the copying press business. James Keir obtains patent for Bolt Metal. John Whitehurst elected Fellow of the Royal Society and takes many Lunar Society members as guests.
1780: Watt patents his letter-copying process.
1781: Jabez Hornblower patents the compound engine. Boulton dissolves his partnership with Fothergill.
1782: Watt patents expansive working, double-acting engine an rotative engine. John Southern joins Boulton & Watt. Death of Fothergill. Boulton enters into partnership with John Scale.
1783: Watt constructs the first rotative engine. Health problems of Boulton. Boulton visits Scotland & starts Albion Mill in London.
1784: Watt patents parallel motion and steam carriage. He constructs the first double-acting engine. Boulton founds General Chamber of Manufacturers with Josiah Wedgwood.
1785: Watt patents smoke-consuming furnace and is elected as a Fellow of the Royal Society. Boulton also elected Fellow of the Royal Society. Boulton helps found Cornish Metal Company. William Withering publishes his discoveries about digitalis.
1786: Watt visits Paris with Boulton. Steam engine is applied to the coining process.
1788: Watt applies the 'governor' to steam engines. Boulton appears before the Privy Council on the coinage question.
1789: Boulton rebuilds Soho House and has work done on the gardens there. Erasmus Darwin starts publishing The Botanic Garden (1789-91). James Keir publishes Part 1 of his famous Chemical Dictionary.
1790: Watt builds Heathfield. Boulton takes out a patent for the Coining Press.
1791: Riots in Birmingham. Priestley's home and Meeting House is attacked.
1793: Litigation against infringers of first patent begins.
1794: Firm of Boulton, Watt & Sons established. Publication of Erasmus Darwin's Zoonomica: or the Laws of Organic Life (1794-6).
1795: Soho Foundry built. Boulton appointed High Sheriff of Staffordshire. Death of Josiah Wedgwood.
1797: Boulton active in coinage matters.
1798: Watt buys landed estate at Dowldowlod in Radnor. Boulton patents the hydraulic ram for Montgolfier.
1799: Validity of first engine patent established. Boulton begins to erect his coining machinery at the Royal Mint. Dr Thomas Beddoes founds the Pneumatic Institution in Bristol with Humphry Davy as his assistant.
1800: Expiration of first engine patent and termination of original partnership. Firm of Boulton, Watt & Co founded.
1802: Death of Erasmus Darwin.
1803: Publication of The Temple of Nature by Erasmus Darwin.
1806: Watt commences work on sculptoring machines. Death of Joseph Priestley.
1807: Boulton helps to establish theatre in Birmingham. Boulton again has health probleMs..
1809: Death of Matthew Boulton.
1814: Watt elected Foreign Associate of the French Academy.
1815: Death of John Southern.
1819: Death of James Watt.
1820: James Watt junior elected as a Fellow of the Royal Society. Death of Sir Joseph Banks.

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